Valve Steam Link Review

Over the past few years, Valve’s Steam platform has grown immensely popular. In fact, it is utilized by gamers throughout the world and provides them with effortless, affordable access to an abundance of games. Of course, the Steam platform was originally dedicated specifically to the computer, which slightly restricted its portability and functionality. Valve looks to change this and make their platform more readily available with the Steam Link. Does the setup succeed? Within this comprehensive review, you’ll be able to find out the truth!

valve steam link 1How It Works

In order to get a better understanding of the Steam Link, it is essential to find out precisely how it works. The Steam Link is a streaming player, which is dedicated to Steam’s catalogue of video games. Once the box has been connected to the user’s home network and their television, they’ll be able to stream all of their Steam games directly to their TV. A handful of other companies have attempted to manufacture similar products, but none of them offer the affordability of the Steam Link.

Easy Setup Process

One of the great benefits of purchasing the Steam Link is the setup. It is basically a three-step process, which only takes between 5-10 minutes to complete. All you need to do is connect the device directly to your existing Internet router and plug into your television. Once you complete these steps, you will need to follow the instructions, which will be visible on the television screen, to connect your game controller to the Steam Link. As you can see the setup process is simplified for all users, even if they are not computer savvy.

The Steam Link can be connected to your television with the included HDMI cable. This type of connectivity helps to ensure that the box is compatible with a wider array of televisions.

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Controller Capabilities

When the Steam Link is up and running, it can actually be utilized like a video game console. A controller can be connected to the box, so you can maintain complete control over the gameplay. Although the company recommends utilizing their Steam Controller, this is not a necessity. In fact, the Link is compatible with almost all wireless controllers, keyboards and mice. The majority of Bluetooth enabled hardware will work seamlessly with the Link. This helps to ensure that you don’t have to shell out more money for a controller, if you’ve already got one sitting around your home.

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Video Capabilities

While most individuals invest in the Steam Link for a better gaming experience, others will prefer to utilize it for watching their favorite videos. Any image showing on your PC screen can be displayed on your television. With this being said, any video playing on your PC can also be transferred to your TV screen, just by exiting from the Big Picture mod on the Steam Link.  

Performancevalve steam link 2

When it comes down to it, the Steam Link delivers an excellent performance, as long as it is setup and utilized properly. When the box simultaneously utilizes wired and wireless streaming, it is capable of streaming content in 1080p, with 60 frames per second. This is very impressive for the low cost of the box. Unfortunately, it is slightly unreliable, if used with wireless connectivity only. As long as you know what you’re getting and don’t mind the wired connection, the Steam Link’s performance is thoroughly satisfying.


  • One of the most affordable products on the market
  • Setup is straightforward and fairly uncomplicated
  • Capable of playing 1080p at 60 FPS
  • Works with an abundance of different controllers
  • HDMI connectivity ensures the box works with nearly all televisions
  • Offers access to plenty of fun games and other entertainment options


  • A solid gaming PC is still a must
  • No rumble feature for controller
  • Wireless can be hit or miss and graphics can be degraded slightly

Overall Assessment

At the end of the day, there is truly a lot to like about the Steam Link. The box might be affordable, but it can still deliver a punch and a satisfying performance. If you absolutely love Steam and their selection of games, the box is undoubtedly a no-brainer. It is affordable, easy to setup and offers plenty of functionality. These pros make the product a must for hardcore or casual Steam gamers! Check it out for yourself right away!

More Information

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